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Want us at your event?

We pay you!

We will charge attendees of the event to take part in our activities and give a percentage back to you as a thank you for having us!


Prefer to offer it for free? We are happy to be paid to attend events and allow attendees on the equipment free of charge

Obstacle Race Track

£180 for a 6 hour event or we charge attendees £2.


Participants take to the track for 2 practice laps and 1 timed lap. After your event the fastest for each of the 5 categories will be contacted to claim their prize! We provide our own bikes so you everyone can take part, even toddlers on balance bikes.

Play Area

£200 for a 6 hour event or we charge attendees £3 per child for an unlimited access wristband.


Bouncy castle hire, balance bikes, ride-ons and more are included

(equipment included is dependant on surface and available space)

Previous Happy Customers

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Contact us to enquire

Birthday Party

Bouncy castle hire

balance bikes

Toddler classes

Like what you see? Email to enquire about your event

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